CBCI-CARD (Catholic Bishops Conference of India- Coalition for AIDS and Related Diseases) is a Civil Society Organization working under GFATM supported PPM project of RNTCP, to improve access to the diagnostic and treatment services provided by the RNTCP within the Catholic Church Healthcare Facilities (CHFs) and thereby to improve the quality of care for patients suffering from tuberculosis in India.
The salient achievements made under the project are:
• 15,065 TB patients were notified to district TB authorities
• 36,115 sputum positive TB patients were diagnosed from CHF designated microscopy centers
• 27,5476 TB suspects were referred for sputum examination to RNTCP DMCs
• 15,634 Hospital and Health Centre staffs were sensitized in RNTCP
• 7,451 medical and paramedical personnel underwent 1-day RNTCP modular training
• 256 school health activities were organized
• Formulation of a catholic church’s ‘Response to TB’ which signed by the Health Commission Bishops of CBCI. It became the advocacy tool and overarching guideline for TB control in Catholic Health Institutions of India
• Contributed to the dissemination of the ‘Standards for TB care’ in India by printing 6,000 copies and reaching out to doctors in different parts of the country.